Module 09: The 1960s: Who Won? Student Protest and the Politics of Campus Dissent

Evidence 19: Jo Anne Harvey, Letter to the Editor, May 1970

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The letter to the editor below presents yet another dimension of student opposition to the activities of campus radicals, combining the political perspectives of the placard-holding student in Evidence No. 18 with the letter writers in Evidence Nos. 16 and 17.

Questions to Consider

  • Why does Jo Anne Harvey hold student protesters in such low regard?

  • How, according to her, should students spend their time?

  • How do her judgments about appropriate student behavior compare with those given by her peers in Evidence No. 2? How would you explain the difference between the two?


Editor, Collegiate Times:

The purpose of this letter is to ask one question -- Why? I'm not talking about the "Whereases" that the S.G.A. [Student Government Association] proposed on Friday, May 8. I am convinced that each of those statements was based on emotion and not fact. Who here on campus has proof that President Nixon did not consult advisors before making his decision on Cambodia? Who here on campus has completely investigated the Kent State incident? Who here on campus knows what is going through Nixon's mind at this moment? And who on campus can predict the future of the war in Viet Nam?

Peace and student's rights are words that are heard everyday on this campus. I ask this question: Why are the people crying for peace throwing firebombs on Ambler Johnston [one of the campus buildings]? Why do the people demanding rights prevent students from carrying on their studies by occupying buildings where classes should be held?

The students are given the opportunity to leave school if they feel they can not follow their conscience and continue their studies effectively. Why do these students feel that they must impose their feelings on everyone? Do they believe they are the only ones entitled to RIGHTS? What happens to the student who can both learn and devise constructive means to support his political views?

Tonight on WUVT [the student radio station] at 10:45 a statement was made, "Get outside and join the fun." Is that why students are out there? No one has told me why the university must shut down to prove a point. I have found time to support my beliefs and have continued to study in the process.

Jo Anne Harvey

Jo Anne Harvey, Letter to the Editor, The Collegiate Times (20 May 1970), 2.

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